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U.S. Department of Labor regulations
California legal codes
California Wage Orders
Labor and employment law of all fifty states, D.C. and Puerto Rico

Federal Government
EDGAR (Security and Exchange Commission filings)
Library of Congress
Federal Judicial Center, Manuel for Complex Litigation (4th ed. 2004)
Federal Judicial Center, Managing Class Action Litigation: A Pocket Guide for Judges (2005) 
U.S. Department of Labor 
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
White House

California State Government
Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
DLSE Enforcement Policies and Interpretations Manual
DLSE Opinion Letters
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American Bar Association
California Employment Lawyer Association
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Justia Law Firm Web Design

Professional and sophisticated custom search engine optimized Websites and search engine marketing solutions for law firms of any size.

Justia's Guide Legal Services and Bar Referral Programs Guide

Justia's guide to legal aid, and other low cost assistance programs and state and local bar association legal referral programs.

Justia Search Engine Optimization Center

Free information and resources center for legal marketing professionals and law firm Web developers regarding best practices for search engine optimization.

Stanford Copyright & Fair Use Center

US Copyright overview, resources and commentary from Stanford, Nolo and Justia.

US Supreme Court Multimedia Project with real audio of US Supreme Court decisions, a virtual tour of the US Supreme court building, and bios of current and former US Supreme Court Justices.

OneCLE - Business Contracts

Thousand of business contracts found in SEC filings. Catergorized by type of contract, industry and company.

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